Planning Your Own Funeral

How To Make A Loved One's Funeral Feel Truly Personal

When planning a funeral, it is natural to want it to feel as personal and relevant to your loved one as possible. By following the three suggestions below, you can make the funeral feel truly personal, allowing people to say goodbye and feel a sense of closure.

Pick Appropriate Music And Readings

If you want a funeral to truly feel personal to your loved one, you should take care to choose the right music and readings. You could choose a reading from literature, film, or anything else that your loved one was interested in, or that expresses the feelings you have about them. Choosing a couple of songs is also a good idea, as you can play them as people arrive and leave the funeral to set the atmosphere. You can choose their favourite songs, or something from the soundtrack of a favourite film – Funeral Guide offers a wide range of ideas from all types of music. If you aren't sure what to choose, or whether your choice is appropriate, you can ask your funeral director for advice.

Write A Heartfelt Eulogy

The eulogy is a big part of a funeral, and being chosen to write and deliver it can feel very overwhelming. A good funeral director will be able to offer advice and feedback, as well as getting someone else to read it out loud if you feel unable to deliver it. Remembrance Process offers some good ideas and tips on how to brainstorm for the eulogy, as well as how to structure it around a theme, such as telling stories on the theme of what you learned from your loved one. Ensure that the stories and memories you talk about are age-appropriate for all attendees, positive, and central to your theme. However, as long as your eulogy is heartfelt and conveys how you felt about your loved one, it is hard to go wrong.

Create A Memorable Funeral Program

Creating and handing out a funeral program is a great way to give funeral attendees a lasting, physical memory of your loved one. Your funeral director will be able to offer practical advice on designing and printing a program. Make sure there are at least a couple of pictures of your loved one, as well as a list of the songs, readings, and speakers at the funeral. You may also want to include full versions of any poems or readings to help people remember them, as well as information about any charities you would like people to donate to in memory. You could place them on the chairs before the funeral, which allows people to peruse and take them if they would like.

If you are not sure about the choice of music or readings for a loved one's funeral or need help crafting the perfect eulogy or program, your funeral director will be able to offer their advice and experience.
