Planning Your Own Funeral

A Beginner's Guide to Monuments and Memorials

If you're looking for a way to remember someone who has died, there are many different options. Memorials and monuments can be built of metal, stone or other materials. When it comes to memorialising those who have passed away, the choices are wide-ranging — here is a quick guide to the most popular ways in which people honour their memories.

A statue

If you want people to remember a person forever as they were during your life, there's no better option than commissioning a statue of them. Statues are traditionally created using sculptural techniques which are applied to a block of stone. However, technology now means that it is possible to produce statues that cost less by using 3D printing. Statues often depict everyday life, but some monuments take more creative forms.

A stained glass window

Stained glass windows are traditionally associated with churches, but there are many other options for commemorating someone in this way. This technique has a long history and is used to create many different products, most commonly as windows in churches. The most important type of stained glass window is the rose window. This is used to illuminate the interior of a church, usually by a series of small, internal lights.

A mausoleum

A mausoleum is a place where the deceased is interred, and they are commonly built as grand structures. Although many do not have an external appearance, there are even some enormous structures that you can visit and walk around. These are called mausoleums on the outside, even though they also function as graves. Perhaps the most famous mausoleum is the Taj Mahal, but many people don't necessarily realise that it was built by an Emperor in memory of his wife. While you are unlikely to opt for something so grand, a simple stone building can serve as a mausoleum for a loved one.

A tombstone

A tombstone is traditionally used to mark the grave of someone who has died. It tends to be made from solid materials and depicts the name of the deceased, though some people choose to have these items personalised in different ways. Typically, a member of a family or close friend will take responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of a tombstone.

A tree

If you want to remember someone who has died in a more natural way, planting a tree is one option. Many families choose to plant or keep trees as a reminder of their loved ones. In time, these trees will grow and mature — it could even be possible for future generations to walk by and think of someone who died long ago.

For more info on memorials and monuments, contact a local funeral home.
