Why You Should Consider Planning Your Own Funeral Service in Advance

Many people who may consider themselves to have been religious all their lives might think that a funeral service must follow strict tradition. They may feel that they cannot stray too far from the accepted protocol or format, even though this is not necessarily the case. Many modern-day funerals or memorial services may be a mix of secular and religious. With this kind of freedom available, it makes more sense than ever for someone to prepare their service in advance, but what are the benefits of this approach?

Asian Funeral Customs That Funeral Homes Must Know

As Australia's Asian population continues to rise, more funeral homes have incorporated Asian funerals in their services to capture a broader market. However, you cannot just print and send brochures to clients claiming that you offer Asian funeral services. You must first understand the culture and how funeral services are conducted. Notably, Asian funerals have unique traditions and rituals that you must follow strictly. This article highlights Asian funeral customs that funeral homes must know.

A Beginner's Guide to Monuments and Memorials

If you're looking for a way to remember someone who has died, there are many different options. Memorials and monuments can be built of metal, stone or other materials. When it comes to memorialising those who have passed away, the choices are wide-ranging — here is a quick guide to the most popular ways in which people honour their memories. A statue If you want people to remember a person forever as they were during your life, there's no better option than commissioning a statue of them.

3 Key Roles of a Crematorium Funeral Director

The death of a loved one is something that anybody will struggle to cope with. Even those who are emotionally and physically strong need some support. Funeral homes offer support to help families navigate the difficult grieving process. Thus, if a deceased person's last wish was to be cremated, you need to approach a crematorium funeral director. Most people think that a crematorium director is in charge of all operations in a funeral home.